A home in South Florida is ideally situated to take advantage of solar energy. Homeowners can benefit greatly from adding renewable energy to their homes. With no money down required for installation, solar saves you money and reduces your electric bill over the long term. In addition, reducing your carbon footprint will have a positive impact on future generations. Whether you need solar or roofing services, we will be happy to assist you. Roofing systems built from shingles, metal, tile, and flat roofing can be fitted with rooftop solar systems. Ultimately you can count on all our team members to get you the best deal.



The advantages of installing solar panels in Florida include high solar production, the solar tax credit, and a 1-for-1 net metering policy for all public utilities.

The disadvantage of installing solar panels in Florida is that the state does not accept third-party ownership power purchase agreements (PPAs). Other states allow third-party solar developers. to essentially own the solar system as they build it on the customer’s property, and then sell the power generated by the system back to the customer.

Florida law states that only public utilities are allowed to sell electricity in this way and that it must be available to the general public. On the other hand Investor owned utility companies in Florida are required by the Florida Public Service Commission, also known as FPSC, to offer full 1-to-1 net metering to their customers. What does that mean? Florida law requires utilities to give you the full retail value for each unit of solar power you generate.

For example, if you generate more solar power than you use, that excess power generated is exported to the grid. For each kilowatt hour (kWh) of energy you send to the grid, the utility is required to give you the full retail value of each kWh.


Solar panels are made of silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells. When the sun hits the panels, the PV cells absorb the sun’s rays and produce electricity in a process known as the Photovoltaic Effect. The electricity produced by the panels is called Direct Current (DC) electricity, which cannot be used to power your home, so the DC electricity is directed to your inverter.

The inverter converts DC electricity into Alternating Current (AC) electricity which can be used in your home. A switchboard ensures that your solar energy is used first, and only accesses additional energy from the grid when solar production isn’t high enough.

Houses with solar power are required to have a bi-directional utility meter installed by the electric company. This meter records all the power drawn to your house and the amount of solar energy exported back to the grid. This is called net-metering.

Any unused solar electricity is sent back to the grid, earning you credit on your electricity bill.